
Entry (1/2)1  isika
Part of speech  2  pronoun [Full list]
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.1] Fanao teny lazaina, misolo ny olona miteny raha maro ka tsy manavaka ny tenany amin'ny olona itenenany izy:
Samy olombelona mety diso daholo isika.
(Raha manavaka ny tena amin'ny olona itenenana, dia izahay no ampiasaina:
Malagasy izahay fa ianareo vazaha).
Explanations in English  4  [1.2] we, including the speaker and the spoken to. Compare izahay. [Compare Rotumah is and New Hebrides akaija.])
5  [1.7] we (including those addressed)
Explanations in French  6  [1.3] nous (y compris ceux à qui on parle).
7  [1.5, 1.8] nous (inclusif)
Explanations in Italian  8  [1.18] noi
Analogs  9  antsika, -ntsika
Compound words 
Titles  14  Tanindrazana sy Firenena ary isika Malagasy (Ravelojaona)
Tables and plates  15  All the pronouns

Entry (2/2)16  ïsika
Part of speech  17  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  18  [1.78] [Sihanaka] hira
Synonyms  19  hosika

Anagrams  20  asiki, isaky, ïsika, isika, saiky

Updated on 2025/02/05